Welcome to High Bonanza Community Access

As our community evolves and grows, it has become increasingly important to maintain safe access to our homes and properties. Those of us who have been plowing the road for the last decade believe the best path forward is an independent, non-profit corporation with the sole purpose of maintaining reliable access for the entire Brighton Estates community. 

We have created a Utah non-profit corporation that we have named High Bonanza Community Access (HBCA). HBCA’s primary mission is to provide consistent snowplowing and road maintenance services in a financially transparent manner for the benefit of all Brighton Estates property owners and their guests, as well as the greater public, who utilize the road in the winter for recreation. HBCA operates as an independent organization that is unaffiliated with any property owner’s association while being governed by a volunteer-based Board of Directors composed of current Brighton Estates property owners.

HBCA Goals: 

  • Provide equitable and safe access during the winter season via the continuation of plow operations. This includes securing plow permits through the Utah Department of Transportation, sale and distribution of gate keys, maintaining and servicing plow equipment, managing plow schedules, and ensuring plow operators’ compensation.

  • Raise funds to support our mission through key sales and donations. 

  • Create regular communication via an email newsletter about operations, financial statements, and future plans. 

  • Maintain ongoing winter road status updates through the GroupMe app.

  • Dedicate excess plow funds to summer road maintenance and improvements. 

We value the safety of our neighbors and the importance of reliable access to our community for all. As property owners, residents, and neighbors, your full support in the form of key purchases, donations, and advocacy is vital to the success of our plowing operation. We formed this group because we believe HBCA is our best solution to providing equitable, safe access to Brighton Estates.

Keys for the 2020-21 winter season are available now. Click here for more information.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions, concerns, or feedback to contact@highbonanzacommunityaccess.com

Sincerely your HBCA Directors, 

Matt Meinhold, JP Gendron, Jason Hendrickson, Cassidy Doucette, Ray Bloxham, and Tom Ghelli